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Tips On Choosing The Right Accountant For Your Business

Every small business should hire an accountant. Picking who to hire for the job is the first step in successfully managing your finances. M.A.S Partners have provided a few tips you should utilize when selecting the right accountant for your business.

Choose an accountant whose main client base is similar to your business
Often, accountants specialise in helping specific businesses, such as sole trader, partnerships, non-profit corporations or small businesses. By picking a business accountant whose main client base is the same structure as your business, they are able to provide more experienced advice, and as such, will help with the development of your business. With over 55 years of experience, M.A.S Partners have worked with an extremely wide variety of businesses, ranging from dentists to even hotels- however, they are all small businesses. We specialise in provide the best small business accounting in Zetland Sydney, and pride ourselves on the expertise that we provide to help these businesses grow.

Pick a location close to you
Meeting up with your business accountant will be a regular occasion- meaning you should pick an accountant that is convenient for you to travel to. Many business owners prefer face-to-face contact for a more insightful interaction with their business meetings however, due to the rise in accounting technology, many accountants have been offering online services as well. Although we are based in Sydney and Melbourne, we can be contacted over the phone, and or emails - however a face to face is always preferred.

Ask your connections for recommendations
Nothing is as reliable as asking your fellow business owners on their experiences with an accountant. Ask them if they would recommend their accountant, with reasoning. However, once choosing the right accountant is a big decision, and as such, you should also interview their accountant - since the accountant you pick is supposed to be perfect for you, not someone else.

Pick an accountant that uses the same accounting software you use
Many accounts have their own preferences for the software they use. As such, you should pick a business accountant that is already using the software that you are using, as sending financial information via email is fairly insecure. If you have not begun to use an accounting software, M.A.S Partners recommends the following for small businesses:
• Xero Accounting
• CIN 7
• Workflow Max
• Datamolino
• Chaser
• Deputy
• Shopify

For more information on this software, click here

Pick someone who is eager to help your business grow
An accountant can be perfect for you in every way, but if they do not want to help you grow, they should have never even been an option. You are hiring an accountant in hopes of growing your small business, and as such, that should be your number one priority in finding an accountant. Here at M.A.S Partners, we not only want to help your organisation develop, but we are eager to do so- as your success means our success. We are passionate about helping small businesses grow, and as such, if we tick all of boxes mentioned previously, we are the perfect accountants for you. To find out more about the services we provide, click here

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