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Your small business accountants in Sydney explain how to protect your business from fraud and cyber scams

Protecting your business from fraud and cyber scams can be quite easy and efficient if you are working with the right team. That is why it is important for you to hire the right people! Our small business accountants in Sydney want to explain how to protect your business from scams.

Here is how our business accountant wants you to safeguard everything that you’ve built up:

• Always make sure that you protect your credit and banking cards, don’t forget to check your accounts online daily for any suspicious activity
• Secure your IT infrastructure with the right firewalls, as well as anti-virus software’s such as malware and spyware. Always back up your files!
• Use a dedicated computer for all of your banking needs
• Have a password policy with your staff and ensure that they change/update their password every two months
• Educate your staff on the risks of fraud and cyber scams, this way they are cautious as to what website they should go on

There you have it, effective ways for your business to avoid fraud and cyber scams. We hope that our small business accountants in Zetland have given you a broader spec as to what can possibly happen and what measures to take.

Feel free to get in contact with our small business accountants in Sydney with any enquiries that you may have.

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