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Must know facts about your superannuation, by our small business accountants in Melbourne

Your superannuation is one of the most important aspects of your working career, as you start building your retirement plan from day go. Our small business accountants in Melbourne will run you through the must know facts about your superannuation.

Our Melbourne small business accountants deal with their client’s superannuation on a daily basis by running the payroll system for a number of small businesses. Here is what you need to know about your superannuation:

• Super is the most tax effective investment any Australian can put their money into
• Your super will be reserved for you until the age of 65 or if you file for an early retirement
• Did you know that 1 in 3 Australian’s have lost some of their super, be sure to speak with the ATO to figure out how to get it back
• How much should you be contributing to your super? Well it is all dependant on your age, income and current social status as to what you can contribute
• Check if you multiple super accounts and be sure to consolidate them as you may be paying unnecessary fees

It is important to look after your super throughout your working career and keep an eye on your current super fund managers to ensure they are doing the right thing. Our accountants for small business in Melbourne even recommend managing it on your own if you have the time!

Feel free to get in contact with our small business accountants in Melbourne if you have any questions or check out our services here.

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